Planning To Buy A Luxury Property For Sale? Know The Top 5 Reasons
Irrespective of the economic conditions currently prevailing and the market variables, one of the wise investments you can make is to buy a luxury property. This type of property is the ideal choice for buyers looking for an investment property…

Selling Luxury Property? 5 Cool Tips For You To Consider
Though selling your luxury properties is a daunting task but definitely not tougher than figuring out or solving a Rubik’s cube. Only a seller knows the amount of responsibility they have to shoulder while marketing such houses. To overcome…

Invest in Marketing to Sell Your Villa
While location, location, location is vital for successful villa sales, a reliable partner and possible contender is also marketing, marketing, marketing. In the competitive world of European real estate, whether second homes, buy-to-let vacation…

Selling the Villa Lifestyle
Did you know that the main ingredient to attracting buyers to purchase a European villa-for-sale is not always about the property itself? Sound strange? It’s not!
The secret key to unlock real estate success is often about selling something…

Vacations Make Career Sense
If you work super-hard before a breakaway and hit the ground running after your getaway, then you are not alone. Vacations are sometimes regarded as a privilege by the career-focused and a guilty pleasure by those who abandon their sun loungers…

The Allure Of The Mediterranean
Sunny seaside days, exciting cosmopolitan cities, and the promise of a relaxed lifestyle with an appetizing menu of feel-good, healthy food. It is no surprise that tourists and would-be expats alike flock to the Mediterranean areas of Europe…

Successful Property Marketing in Europe
Successful Property Marketing in Europe
Whether you are selling a European property in the luxury real estate market or competing in a wider price bracket, you may need more than the assets of your property to close a sale and exchange contracts.…

Set Sail for Yacht Sales Success
Selling a yacht in Europe may sound a simple voyage. After all, cruising on the Mediterranean is a favorite pastime, and for boat-lovers, yachting is a real passion. For those seafarers who live aboard, even if just some of the time, yachting…