Vacations Make Career Sense

If you work super-hard before a breakaway and hit the ground running after your getaway, then you are not alone. Vacations are sometimes regarded as a privilege by the career-focused and a guilty pleasure by those who abandon their sun loungers to ‘quickly’ check work emails. However, a holiday away not only feels great, but it can be good for your career prospects and your health too. Could a European villa holiday be a healthy choice that promotes future success at work?

Eliminating the stress factor

A vacation inspires you to unwind and de-stress as you relax into the holiday lifestyle, making you feel better. However, did you know that there is science to back this up and that even a short one-week break can release stress and even rejuvenate your whole body? Did you also know that it can boost the immune system and leave you looking fresher?

One UCL study revealed that significant changes were found in terms of genetic responses to stress and cell health after just a one-week vacation. Those that added in meditation also benefitted in the longer term as well.

Breaks to boost your career

Stress is one of the biggest blocks to productivity and can lead to more time off work through ill health. Fatigue and not taking a break can soon translate to low-energy levels and flagging morale at work. European villa vacations promise a seamless resort-style experience that recharges your batteries and gives you time and space to freshen up your perspective and fire up your creative career cognition.

Studies suggest that not only are many people not taking advantage of their holiday leave, but those that do get away are not always taking a break as they try to work and play at the same time.

Mediterranean motivation

European villa breaks immerse you in a world of mood-enhancing sunshine as serotonin levels are given a boost to lift your happiness vibe and sharpen your focus. The laid-back lifestyle afforded by a villa vacation encourages you to take ‘me’ time and can give you a different perspective on your work and life, enabling you to potentially tackle work-related issues more meaningfully. On top of this, the healthy Mediterranean diet of fresh fish, plenty of vegetables, and olive oil is renowned as being good for your heart and will not leave you carrying excess weight at the end of your vacation.

Holidays that come from the heart

While vacations give you an energising lift, not taking a holiday could be bad for your heart. The long-term and ongoing Framingham Heart Study reveals that men who have missed out on vacations for a few years have an increased risk of cardiac arrest by up to 30%. Women too have a higher risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack if they vacation every six years or less by eight times compared to women who take a break a couple of occasions a year.

Is it time you enjoyed a career-positive vacation experience?